Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Kaputren village is a hamlet or a village located in the Village District of Jatitujuh Putridalem Majalengka. Geographically, this is the most northern region bordering Majalengka regency of Indramayu district so that culture and mixed culture between the Sundanese and Javanese Indramayu's. With a land area of ​​323, 852 m² of plantation in Kampung Kaputren which is not far from the settlement of its citizens and is surrounded by the River Cimanuk a comfortable place for the community to cultivate various types of plants, such as bamboo. At least there is some vareitas bamboo that grow here , there Letter bamboo , rope , black ( Hideung ; Sunda) , Yellow ( Koneng ; Sunda) , Betung and Tutul , even the last one spotted bamboo species is endangered . Is a mainstay commodities as feedstock material home and community side income by selling the bamboo plants one rod , so many even to the subscriptions made by people outside the village.

Kaputren village society is a society that is heterogeneous, composed of ethnic Sundanese, Javanese tribe, and wither. With the amount of approximately 768 inhabitants soul shall be composed of a variety of both cultural background, education or profession. The majority of people is the livelihood of farmers, which is still dominated by the older generation, while most of the younger generation into the urban cities who chose to work as a trader there are also some who became workers abroad. It seems like a stretch of farmland and plantations are provided by nature less attractive divine gift of choice, especially the younger generation in empowering natural results.

Departing from the above background, we the people of Kampung Kaputren Village Putridalem particular the younger generation is concerned and initiative initiated workshops bamboo crafts in collaboration with Yayasan Kampung Concert Jatitujuh conducted from June to July 2015, then proceed with the celebration of Kampung Bamboo showcase handicrafts bamboo once silaturrahmi culture with artists from outside the region, entitled "Kaputren Towards the village of Bamboo" on 23 until July 25, 2015 last, hoping to become a starting point for the arts and traditions of bamboo and become an important asset amid the incessant development Majalengka regency, with the construction of airport International Jawa Barat (BIJB) in the district which is neighboring subdistrict Kertajati Jatitujuh. The existence of Bamboo Village Kaputren also be a motivator for us in trying to move the creative economy sector based on local wisdom to the expectations of the government.

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